Daily Archives: November 20, 2021

December is the Season of Giving

December is special for so many reasons. Bright and colorful holiday lights bring cheer as our days get shorter and our nights longer. We are so happy that as more and more people are vaccinated we are able to gather with friends and family to raise a glass or share a meal.

December is also a time of end-of-year giving to our favorite charities. We trust that AAUW Tahoe Nevada will be on your list. This year, we are thrilled to announce that you will be able to double your contribution to education. An anonymous donor has graciously offered a $2,500 matching grant to AAUW Tahoe Nevada. We have no doubt that we can match it through the generosity of our members and friends.

As always, Season of Giving donations will support our Scholarship Fund. These funds support our eight Incline college students as they pursue their post-secondary dreams. In addition, this year we are expanding our efforts by partnering with the Incline Education Fund (IEF) to augment the important work of our Incline Middle School teachers.

To donate, please click here: https://tahoe-nv.aauw.net/donate/

— OR —     Write a check to AAUW Tahoe Nevada and mail it to                                                                                         PO BOX 5465, Incline Village, Nv  89450