Daily Archives: July 28, 2020

August Happy Hour – Celebrating the 19th Amendment

WOW Ladies !!

This was not intended as a fundraiser, but some of your fellow members pulled through to donate items and hold a raffle.  Your generosity put is $610 ahead in this years fundraising for Scholarships.   Thank you !

As well as a Thank You to all who helped with this event. 

Janet Usinger, Suzie Evans, Dee Prince, Lori Bard, & Renee Bouck.



President, Janet Usinger


Janet educating AAUW Tahoe Nevada members on the 19th Amendment.   19min video on our YouTube channel.



Note: We are limiting the attendance.

Please review your email to determine what time slot you should come and other important information.  Maximum 20 people per Happy Hour slot.